The Witcher 3: Sword of Destiny trailer and release date revealed
CD Projekt Red finally announced a release date for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The Polish studio confirmed today during a live stream that the final part in the Witcher Trilogy will be arriving February 24th for PS4, Xbox One, and the PC. To get us even more pumped for Geralt of Rivia’s upcoming exploits, a brand new trailer was released. Entitled The Sword of Destiny, this story trailer reveals some much needed plot details. If you’ve played the first two Witcher games, you might recall the name Yennifer popping up on more than one occasion. The woman is none other that Geralt’s long lost love, and will apparently play an important role in the upcoming title.
As expected, Triss Merigold will be making a comeback in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. We can already tell that Geralt’s love life is about to get a lot more complicated. Unfortunately, that’s the least of his worries. Aside from the usual assortment of monstrosities, Geralt will now face the Wild Hunt themselves. The Wild Hunt are a group of spectral horseman, which are considered to be an omen of death. The Sword of Destiny trailer reveals that The Wild Hunt are after Yennifer and as you might imagine, Geralt will try to rescue her. Considering that the horsemen are considered to be next-to-impossible to stop, out hero is faced with an incredibly difficult task in The Witcher 3.
Plot details and release date were not the only reveals made by CD Projekt Red today. The company also presented the box art for the upcoming title, along with pre-order bonuses. While the game’s cover is not exactly flattering, the bonuses will be quite substantial. Pre-ordering The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will grant you a map, stickers, the game’s manual, a Witcher Compendium, and the soundtrack. Additionally, if you pre-order from GOG at the special price of $54, the game will be DRM-free and comes with some additional bonuses. These include Closed Beta access for the upcoming Witcher Adventure Game, a free copy of Neverwinter Nights, a digital comic book, extended soundtrack, and a 200 pages digital art book.
Pricing for the Collectors Edition was not announced yet, but we know that it will include everything from the Standard Edition plus a few more goodies. The bonuses come in the form of a figurine of Geralt, steelbook game case, 200-page art book, and a steel wolf medallion. I guess CD Projekt Red weren’t kidding when they said the pre-order bonuses for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be amazing. Check out the box art below and stay tuned for all the latest news.
Tags: box art, CD Projekt Red, Collector's Edition, Geralt, GOG, Neverwinter Nights, plot details, pre-order bonuses, Release Date, Story, Sword of Desiny, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Trailer, Triss Merigold, Wild Hunt, Witcher 3, Yennifer