New Killing Floor update is now available

The developers behind Killing Floor have announced a final update to the game. Tripwire Interactive revealed a number of changes that includes both free and paid additional content. The free additions are made up of a developers map pack that includes three new maps along with an character that can be unlocked by playing the maps. The paid content includes the Neon Characters DLC Pack, featuring a host of new characters and the Community Neon Weapons DLC Pack that brings four new weapons to the game.

Killing Floor began life as a mod for Unreal Tournament 2004. It originally released in 2004 and featured both online multiplayer along with a single player story mode. The plot takes the form of a survival horror, with humans being horribly mutated by genetic experiments by a biotechnology company called Horzine Biotech. The main game mode sees players try to fight off wave after wave of enemies, similar to the zombie mode found in Call of Duty games. Gamers earn money from completing waves and killing enemies that they can then use to buy new weapons, armor and ammo.

In 2008, the lead designer behind the mod of Killing Floor contacted Tripwire Interactive about releasing the game as a stand-alone product. A small development team at Tripwire then released a retail version in 2009 on Steam. It has already seen a number of updates in its five year history. A patch in 2012 that let players share their own maps and weapon designs through the Steam Workshop. Another update in 2013 introduced a new game mode that had players competing objectives in addition to surviving the enemy onslaught.

A sequel for the game is currently under development using the Unreal Engine 3. The developer is once again Tripwire Interactive and it will feature similar game modes and multiplayer as in the original game. However, Killing Floor 2 currently doesn’t have a specific release date but it is known that it will be available for PC and SteamOS. Other platforms haven’t been announced so far.