From Software has started sending invites for Bloodborne Alpha
Earlier today From Software has started sending out invites for the Alpha phase of their highly anticipated RPG Bloodborne. The developer hasn’t revealed the requirements for participating in the test phase, but a number of people have already received emails telling them about the Alpha. Thee is no mention about when the Bloodborne Alpha begins, although one can only imagine that it must be soon seeing as how From Software is already sending invites. As far as I can tell, receiving the mail doesn’t necessarily mean that you are qualified to participate in the Alpha. You will first have to complete an enrolment form and then presumably wait until you are contacted for further details. In any case, you can check out the email below.
“Your skill and dedication have been recognized; you have been selected to join the exclusive Bloodborne Alpha Test! The small-scale test is being conducted in order to gather community feedback and data to improve Bloodborne’s online experience. Click here to learn more about the game. If you would like to participate in this exciting opportunity to get early access to Bloodborne and a sample of its online features, please complete this exclusive Bloodborne Alpha Test enrolment form here. The Bloodborne Alpha Test is not final. Players may experience bugs and incomplete features that do not represent the final product. Thank you for helping us create a better experience for all fans when the game launches early 2015.”
It’s interesting to see that this test is done to improve the online experience. Dark Souls 2 also had a pretty interesting online component and it looks like we might see something similar with Bloodborne as well. The game is heavily inspired by From Software’s highly acclaimed Souls titles, but believe it or not, it may actually end up being better. Also, it will definitely be more visually impressive as this is a PS4 exclusive and the developer said that it plans to take full advantage of the hardware. Bloodborne will be released for PS4 on February 5th.
Categories: LTG Slider, NEWS, Playstation 4, TRENDING GAME NEWS
Tags: Alpha, Bloodborne, email, From Software, invite, requirements, test