Far Cry 4 director sends a message to PC pirates
Publisher Ubisoft’s open-world first-person shooter Far Cry 4 has recently been released on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. Out of all these platforms, the PC version includes an option to change the game’s field of view. That said, the customisation is only available if you download Far Cry 4’s first patch. Some users have recently been complaining the FOV option isn’t available in their versions, which clearly means they are using a pirated copy of the game, as it has recently been revealed by Far Cry 4’s Creative Director Alex Hutchinson via Twitter – “PC players! If you’re online complaining about the lack of FOV control … You pirated the game.”
While North American and European gamers can now enjoy Far Cry 4 on their desired platforms, the game will also be available in Australia starting November 20th. Far Cry 4′s story follows Ajay Ghale, an English-speaking Nepalese native who returns to Kyrat – a wild and untamed region of his home country – to scatter his mother’s ashes. Once there, he becomes caught up in a civil war, as the people struggle under the despotic regime of self-appointed king Pagan Min (Troy Baker). Far Cry 4 ensures that the open-world gameplay and story complement each other, unlike its prequel, where the open-world nature of the gameplay was often at odds with the plot, as it allowed the player to perform protracted acts of exploration despite situations in the narrative which were supposedly time-critical.
In addition, the writers chose to minimise the amount of voice-over from the player-character to allow gamers to better immerse themselves in the role, and have added Tarantino-like dark humour, in order to address the contrast between the game’s heavy violence and any enjoyment the player will get from experiencing the game. Load The Game has recently received its own copy of Ubisoft’s latest, and I’ll be sure to give you my first impressions followed by a full review in the coming days and week, respectively.
Tags: Alex Hutchinson, Far Cry 4, PC Pirates, Ubisoft