Super Smash Bros. Wii U Sales Surprise

Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U is selling SMASHINGLY and has broken the record for the fastest selling Wii U game of all time, not a very long time, but still an achievement. The Wii U isn’t exactly known for being a hot pick up item, despite its great reviews and great games. One thing that should change that though is the highly anticipated installment of Super Smash Bro. which recently released on the Wii U, we’ve reviewed it here as well and yes, it’s great.

How much did it sell though? Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U sold over 490,000 units since its release last Friday. With this announcement it has been confirmed that Super Smash Bros. as a series has officially passed the 14 million sales mark. Super Smash Bros. originally launched in 1999 on the N64, this figure goes across all platforms and all titles. The executive vice president of sales and marketing of Nintendo of America, Scott Moffitt,  commented on the numbers of Super Smash Bros.  calling the debut “a great start.” I expect the sales to increase though, with Super Smash Bros. being a hot topic for gaming over the years and the Holiday season here, Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U should continue to do rather well. This is a great season for sales as well, with the Wii U coming out with some great bundles as well.

It will be interesting to see how many Amiibos were sold as well, as they seemed fairly big for the game. Many people reported that Amiibos were actually sold out and while Nintendo has not released sales figures for them, the figurines are sure to have sold rather well. It will be interesting to see how well Super Smash Bros. sold on the 3DS and the Wii U after the Holiday sales are over and done with.