GTA V Bug Lowers Graphic Quality
GTA V sure does have some weird bug. While some are rather useful to players, some turn GTA V in to a PS1/PS2 era type game, graphic wise. The bug report and picture comes from Reddit, where user Unrealmaniac shows the world of GTA V unrendered and rather ugly. GTA V on it’s own looks rather well done, but in the picture below, no, GTA V is not looking very good. GTA V was just remastered and re-released two weeks ago, but this picture makes it look like a demastering of sorts. With limited view, limited details, and few civilians, this bug is a big one and one that will hopefully be fixed in GTA sooner rather than later.
It’s not looking like the remastered version I have luckily. According to some users the bug can be fixed by reinstalling the game. While the image is very telling and shows just how big of a hit the game takes, there is no video footage as of now. Unrealmaniac replied to a comment stating that it was due to fast cars: “I don’t think that’s what caused it for me, I’ve finished the game and own faster cars and it’s never happened before. the game froze a few seconds after this image and I had to go back to the ps4 menu and reload it.” so, for now we don’t have any video of what it looks like to play GTA V with this bug. Hopefully the bug will be squashed soon and many players won’t actually experience the glitch though.
While the bug may seem somewhat fun, I am hoping it doesn’t happen in my GTA V. I am also hoping that it’s a very rare occurrence in the game with a simple solution, I can understand the frustration of having something like this ruin your game. It should be interesting to see what causes your GTA V to do this and hopefully Rockstar gets right on to fixing it. Right now this bug is only confirmed on the PS4, there have been few reports of it occurring as well.
Categories: NEWS, Playstation 4
Tags: graphics, GTA, GTA V, GTA V Bug, GTA V Glitch, PS4, Reddit, Rockstar
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