Google Inbox Invites For The Next Two Hours Only
A Google Inbox Invite could be yours, but only if you act fast. Google has decided to extend invites to its new Google Inbox service for the next two hours only.
Since time is short, I will just get straight to the point. In order to get your invitation to be among the first to check out Google Inbox you will have to do the following:
- Write a new email from a gmail address. (Please note that you can’t use a Gmail For Work address as those aren’t still working)
- Send your email to between 10 am and 12 noon Pacific today.
- Flail your arms wildly in excitement because of your pending Google Inbox invitation.
So why should you care about Google Inbox? Gmail (and really, any email) account holders are all too familiar with the tidal wave of emails that just roll in and can often make it difficult to separate the noise from emails you actually want to read. Google promises that Inbox will be a way to ensure that email is relevant and bundled in a way that will make it easier for you to manage your emails.
Several Google Inbox features that are intriguing include Highlights which, uh, highlights pictures and videos from family members, flight info, and invitation and event details so that you won’t lose track of such relevant information in the wash of email you receive.
Inbox also boasts Bundles which will allow Google Inbox users to categorize and group similar types of email together in whatever way works best for you. So for example, you can have emails pertaining to projects grouped together and emails from single recipients all in one place as well.
Google Inbox is also rolling in some Google Now type features such as Reminders, Snoozes and Assists that act as a sentient to do list that will contextualize information and send it your way. If you’d like to get an overview of what Google Inbox can do for you, check out the clip posted by Google:
Categories: Tech
Tags: gmail, Google, google inbox