Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea Receives a New Trailer
Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea is the latest installment in the Atelier series. To help entice fans waiting for the English version of the game, a new trailer has been released, showing gamers what to expect from the title.
Taking place a few years after the events of the previous Dusk titles, Atelier Shallie follows two characters. The first is Shallistera, a reserved mission-focused daughter of a tribal leader who embarks on a voyage to find a solution to the crisis affecting her homeland. The second character is the energetic Shallotte, who has been struggling to bring success to the alchemy workshop ever since her father passed away. As the game features two main characters, the title will have separate story lines, as well as multiple endings for both protagonists.
The first game in the Atelier series released in 1997 for the original PlayStation. Since then, 15 other titles have been released across several platforms, primarily the PlayStation systems. Spin offs, remakes, and ports have appeared on the Dreamcast, Game Boy Advance, and the Nintendo DS. One of the common elements of the series is the use of alchemy. Players collect items that they use to craft items, including cooking ingredients, recovery items, tools, weapons, and armor. The Atelier series usually uses a turn-based battle system, in which alchemy also comes into play. Atelier titles are usually light-hearted in terms of tone, with the characters facing a actual conflict rather than going against a center antagonist. In most games, players have a limited amount of time to accomplish a number of goals. Failure to complete those goals can have the game end abruptly, or lead to a bad ending.
Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea releases on March 10th in North America, and on March 13th in Europe. The game will be available on the PlayStation 3 system.
Categories: NEWS, Playstation 3
Tags: Atelier, Gust, JRPG, Koei Temco