Games With Gold Heats up in January
It has been a rather cold Winter for Games with Gold, but it looks as if that will change during the month of January. Xbox One only received one game for Games for Gold in December and the selection wasn’t too pleasing either. Well, January is a new year and starts off well for Xbox One fans, as the Games for Gold have been announced and they are much better than what fans received during the month of December! While January will only host one game during the month, the game is an interesting one and one of my personal favorites on the Xbox One’s marketplace.
Xbox One fans during the month of January will be able to treat themselves to D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die. A very interesting title for the Xbox One. D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die, is usually $15, but during the entire month of January Xbox Live Members will be able to grab the interesting game for the price of free! While members on the 360 get 2 great games, The Witcher 2 and MX vs. ATV Alive. Both systems are in for a treat in the month of January!
While December has been a rather cold month for Games with Gold, January is looking to spice things up a bit. Free games are always lovely, but when the games aren’t exactly something you want, then they don’t benefit you sadly. I have no desire to grab December’s Games With Gold game, but I would grab January’s if I did not already own D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die. Microsoft will have to do better with Games With Gold in the upcoming months in order to catch up with Sony’s PS+ games, even their January is better than the Xbox One’s sadly. This is definitely a great start for Xbox’s Games With Gold, hopefully it gets better though as the year progresses.
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