Killer Instinct Classic Online Multiplayer Added
Killer Instinct Classic Online Multiplayer is coming to the Xbox One port today. Microsoft posted on their blog that patch 2.3 for Killer Instinct Classic will contain online play. Some more features include fixing the sound on Riptor’s Ultra Music which won’t play correctly, and some XP in Story Mode. Killer Instinct Classic is a port of the original Killer Instinct which launched with arcade cabinets in 1994. The game was then ported to SNES during the summer of 1995 and to Game Boy in the same year. Killer Instinct Classic is a port of that arcade game that was part of the 2013 Xbox One game, Killer Instinct. The game was developed by Rareware, who originally worked closely with Nintendo before being purchased by Microsoft in 2003. Killer Instinct was their first arcade title after tons of success with NES games. After their acquisition by Microsoft Rareware continued to work on numerous titles but have recently been relegated to Kinect related titles such as Kinect Sports and Kinect Sports Rivals. Killer Instinct on the Xbox One was their first game unrelated to motion controls since Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts which released in 2008 on the Xbox 360. It was developed by Double Helix Games with input from Rareware.
However the Killer Instinct Classic Online Multiplayer was developed by Code Mystics, who specialize in handheld games as well as compilations of classics. They handled the port of Killer Instinct Classic to the Xbox One and are also the reason for Killer Instinct Classic Online Multiplayer. The announcement comes more than a year after the release of Killer Instinct Classic and Killer Instinct Season 2 which introduced various new characters to the fighting game. Killer Instinct is currently available for free although you will have access to limited characters. You can purchase characters separately or get the Killer Instinct Complete Edition for $59.99 or Season 2 Ultra Edition for $39.99.