Xperia Z Ultra Android update to Lollipop
The Xperia Z Ultra is one of the largest phablets out there, and even though it’s not the most popular smartphone on the market, it still has a fair share of users out there. A new Xperia Z Ultra Android update to Lollipop is said to be arriving soon, although we have had quite a few delays in the Lollipop rollout so far. The current Android version available for the handset is Android 4.4.4 KitKat but Sony has officially confirmed that the phablet will be treated to Android 5.0 Lollipop soon enough.
A surprising Xperia Z Ultra Android update was rolled out to a handful of GPe owners last month, containing Android 5.0 Lollipop. While that’s the last we heard from Google’s OS on the phablet, we do expect international versions of the Xperia Z Ultra to get the OTA soon enough. We’re not sure if all Z Ultra GPe devices have already received the update, but a month has passed since its rollout was first noticed, so it’s pretty likely they did. Since Sony needs to do its own tweaking on the AOSP, the Xperia Z Ultra Android update is naturally coming out later than for GPe units, but we still don’t know for sure when that is. The 90 day window Sony promised is nearing its end, so we must be close by now.
The Xperia Z Ultra Android update that hit GPe devices weighed in at around 400 MB, so we don’t expect the regular version of the OTA to be much larger. First off, the Xperia Z3 line should be getting Android 5.0 Lollipop, after which the Xperia Z2 should be next, and after that the Xperia Z Ultra and so on. Since newer flagships are ahead in the release schedule, we can assume that February would be the safest estimate for the rollout of Android 5.0 for the phablet, but we might be surprised by a speedier release. OEMs are clamoring to get Lollipop out as fast as possible, but carriers can also interfere with the rollout and delay it even further. If you own an Xperia Z Ultra GPe, tell us how 5.0 is working for you.
Rumor has that Sony is already working on Android 5.0.2, so we might see an Xperia Z Ultra Android update containing the newest version rolling out in the next couple of weeks. The newer version should also be pushed to other Xperia devices if Sony indeed finished work on it, but take this with a grain of salt since it hasn’t been confirmed. Whichever the case may be, this Lollipop rollout is generating quite a lot of hype and people are getting frustrated about the slow rollout. Let’s hope things speed up shortly and all our compatible Android phones can get sweet in due time.
Categories: Tech
Tags: Android 5.0 Lollipop, Xperia Z Ultra, Xperia Z Ultra GPe