Dragon Age: Inquisition is BioWare’s Biggest Launch Ever
With the genre of RPGs becoming ever more popular today, Dragon Age: Inquisition was a huge success for BioWare, creator of the Mass Effect series. It became the most successful launch in BioWare history with more than 113 million hours spent exploring the single-player world in Dragon Age: Inquisition. BioWare also included that more players are joining each day. The successful launch is based on units sold, and not how much was earned, according to EA’s confirmation to GameSpot. EA said they would not divulge how much Dragon Age: Inquisition made or how many copies were sold. In order to beat BioWare’s previous record, Dragon Age: Inquisition outsold the developer’s other games including Baldur’s Gate, and any game in the Mass Effect or Star Wars series.
During EA’s Q3 investor call, EA’S CFO Blake Jorgensen said, “In particular, Dragon Age: Inquisition had by far the most successful launch in BioWare’s history, exceeding our expectations. In addition, game sales for last-generation consoles were also much stronger than we had anticipated.” Despite Dragon Age’s success, publisher EA’s third quarter ended December 31, with the company earning $1.4 billion in net revenue, down from $1.6 billion this time last year. Even with lower sales, EA also included that they were the number one publisher on Xbox One and PS4 during the holiday season. Sales were mainly from big releases such as Dragon Age: Inquisition, FIFA 15, NHL 15, Madden NFL 15, EA Sports UFC, Titanfall, Battlefield 4, and FIFA 14.
Electronic Arts is expected to release DLC for many of its bigger games, including Dragon Age: Inquisition. DLC will more than likely take the form of additional multiplayer, but there is a chance for BioWare to make additional content for single player mode, too.
Dragon Age: Inquisition launched on PC, PS4, and Xbox One last November. Inquisition was the only major game EA launched during Q4 last year.
Categories: NEWS, PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One
Tags: Dragon Age, Inquisition, News, PC, PS4, Xbox One