Platinum Games, the game developers behind the upcoming Xbox One exclusive Scalebound, have released an 8-bit spin-off version of the well known Bayonetta franchise. Platinum Games’ Creative Producer, JP Kellams tweeted out a link to the game they are calling Angel Land, according to Eurogamer. The browser game can be played on Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer 9 or above and iOS 7 or above.
New game, hope you guys enjoy it:
— JP Kellams (@synaesthesiajp) February 2, 2015
Angel Land is deceptively easy, giving only two controls – one for jumping (which can be used to double jump as well) and one for attacking. Your hero stands to the left of the screen, ready to fight as waves of familiar enemies from the Bayonetta games walk, run, and fly towards you. Once inevitably defeated, the game prompts the player to tweet out their score or try the game again. Angel Land’s page has been shared over 1,000 times through Twitter after having only been released a few hours ago. Angel Land has an addictive simplicity to it which people are finding entertaining. A look through the game’s Twitter search results tell us that players are also enjoying the quickly accelerated difficulty. The URL for the game itself can apparently read just about anything and still lead to the game, as Kellams openly stated in another tweet not long after the first one.
Although, feel free to rick roll the beejeebus out of people with that URL. Any 404 will work.
— JP Kellams (@PG_jp) February 2, 2015
The Bayonetta games are a third person beat’em up series developed cooperatively with Platinum Games and Sega whose protagonist shares her name with the game’s title. Angel Land is virtually nothing like the critically-acclaimed franchise with its 8-bit graphics and cutesy art style, but it is clear that this is still a Bayonetta spin-off. While some may chose to speculate what the release of this fun little mini game means, the fact that the original URL for Angel Land was “” says that this was just for fun.