Cat-Shaped Life Kickstarter Announced

The Kickstarter campaign for Cat-Shaped Life has been announced by the game’s developer Gamawilo. This 2D point-and-click RPG allows players to experience the life of a cat-shaped cat. This game challenges players to convince a human to adopt a cat in 30 days. Fail and you’ll end up back at the shelter. Time is of the utmost importance as players will have only four hours during the day and four hours during the night to explore the foster home. There will be countless adventures to be found and mysteries to be solved in Cat-Shaped Life. Players that succeed in those adventures will be able to improve their stats and influence the cat’s personality. This will decide if you’re cat will take over the world or end up back in the shelter. Those interested in supporting the project can do so on Kickstarter until April 2nd. Cat-Shaped Life has an expected release window in December 2017.

The two-person team at Gamawilo worked together on Dungeons & Dragons Online, however this is the tiny studio’s first title. They have shipped “10 updates (including two expansions) while working together on a MMORPG, a vastly more complicated system than we hope to build here.” The team has set the reasonable goal of $10,000. The bulk of the funds from this campaign will be spent on the licenses and fees, as well as music for Cat-Shaped Life. The developers will be working on this title as a side project, so the game is expected to become available two years from now.

Kickstarter has become one of the biggest brands in the video game industry. Developers are able to pitch their projects to members of the community and receive funding. The service allows users to invest into the development of games that would not see the light of day otherwise. There have been developers that failed to deliver on the promises made during their Kickstarter campaign, however these incidents have been far and few between. The company has introduced some changes to the service to increase transparency and weed out potentially problematic projects. This has allayed some concerns, and the service’s success speaks for itself.