6 Things You’re Unlikely to See at E3

With E3 just under a month away, I take a look at games and devices that you probably won’t see much of.

1 – The Last Guardian

The Sony exclusive has been delayed repeatedly during its development. The title was originally scheduled as a PS3 release, but has since been moved to a PS4 game. The title seemed dead in the water, but Sony did state earlier this year that work was still continuing on the project and was still expected to be released. Sony did allow the trademark for the title to expire which would suggest they don’t intend to continue development, but they have since blamed that on an administration error and have filed to get the trademark back. I’d be hugely surprised if there is any mention of this during Sony’s press conference, but an announcement or even a new gameplay trailer will probably make the internet explode.

2 – Half Life 3

Does much more need to be said about this game? Rumours are constantly circulating and the game itself has become somewhat of a legend. There is nothing to suggest that Valve intend to announce Half Life 3 any time soon, let alone at E3. Personally I think IF Half Life 3 ever sees the light of day it will be tied to the release of a VR headset.

3 – Microsoft VR Headset

Sony are making great progress with their VR headset, Morpheus, and other VR headsets like the Oculus Rift are likely to see retail releases by Q1 2016. It would appear VR is potentially the next big thing in gaming. However Microsoft have been tight lipped over the tech and have yet to announce if they plan to integrate VR with the Xbox One. They will have the HoloLens at E3 but I don’t think they will be announcing any VR games, and it’ll be more focused on other media. With the Kinect already struggling I expect Microsoft to wait until Oculus and Morpheus are released before making a decision on VR, with them putting more focus on the Kinect at this year’s E3 rather than a new accessory.

4 – PlayStation Move

Sony have barely even acknowledged their failed motion tracking camera since the consoles release, and I expect nothing different at E3. At this stage it seems that Sony would rather us forget about the Move as a standalone device is it appears they are going to package it as a Morpheus controller. While I don’t think they will announce any PlayStation Move exclusive games I do think the device will be shown in VR demos and other Morpheus related announcements.

5 – New Nintendo Console

Earlier this year Nintendo announced that they are developing a new home console. With the announcement that the new Zelda game will be delayed into next year, many thought that was a sign it would release alongside Nintendo’s new console. I can’t see Nintendo giving up on the Wii U just yet though. I expect they will announce a new game this year with their new console being the focus of E3 2016.

6 – Console Price Reductions

Since their release in 2013, Ps4 and Xbox One have received numerous discounts and reductions. However I don’t think either company will be announcing any permanent price reductions this year. The console bundles out there are currently selling well and have allowed the gap between the two consoles to be closed significantly. While units are moving at this rate there is no reason for Sony or Microsoft to drop the price. I expect both companies to announce slim line versions next year so that’s when price reductions will be likely.