Home » Mihai Miculescu

Mihai Miculescu

Studied Electrical Engineering (College Degree). After that, 5 years as an engineer and 6 more as PR person. Journalist since 2001 and never looked back ... :)

Get Your Business Done with WritingDone

Writing an academic paper is never easy. Some people handle the task better, others not that well. For the latter, there is some good news: they can get their academic papers done from scratch on WritingDone. The writers at WritingDone are always there to help everyone who needs a good paper and fast. Also, they do it for a really reasonable price. This ...

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The Wearables That Won’t Wear You Out

Wearables have been around for a while now, eye-catching and constantly improving. It’s no wonder why we’re pretty much addicted to them. But this is more than a passing tech trend. It’s a multi-billion market, in the process of being filled with all kinds of gadgets. Everyday, a new product is brought forth to an awe-struck public that just waited ...

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