Remedy Entertainment’s Control released last year on multiple platforms, and many felt that it was the developers best game yet. If you’re someone who loved the game’s soundtrack and would love to have it on vinyl, then this is the post for you. Amazon recently posted a product page for the Control Vinyl Soundtrack, revealing ...
A couple of years ago we got the long-awaited return of Spyro the Dragon, with Toys for Bob remaking the first three game to critical acclaim. While the series’ future is up in the air at this point, those wanting to take a deeper dive into the making of the remake trilogy will be able ...
We’ve heard speculation about a potential Fallout TV series being in the works for quite some time now, and today the official announcement happened. The Fallout TV series is in production at Amazon Studios, and it is being developed by Westworld creators Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy. The creators of the show said the following: ...
Following the successful release of Resident Evil 7, fans were immediately craving a follow-up. However, several years passed and we got absolute radio silence from Capcom, leading some to assume that it wasn’t a priority. However, new information reveals that wasn’t the case, at all. A recent interview with Resident Evil Village producers Tsuyoshi Kanda ...
Resident Evil 7 marked a big change of pace for the series, as it finally nixed the action-centric tendencies of recent games and brought things back to the survival horror of the earlier games. However, it did this with a new first-person perspective, making the experience scarier than any game before it. If you’re interested ...
Cyberpunk 2077 has been delayed multiple times, though it looks like it will finally launch later this year. CD Projekt RED’s ambitious follow-up to the already-ambitious The Witcher 3 has been one of the most talked about games of recent memory, and those who want more out of the game’s world will be able to ...
Techland’s Dying Light has been a surprising success, launching in 2015 and serving as what many felt was a much better version of Dead Island. While a sequel has been in development for quite some time now, the company has announced yet another DLC expansion for the first game that is called Hellraid. Hellraid puts ...
The Final Fantasy 7 Remake brought the beloved 90s RPG to the modern era with vastly improved visuals, and the overall response was very positive. However, there are still those who will always hold a special place for the original (and its blocky character models) in their hearts, and this post is for those people. ...
Ghost of Tsushima has been one of most heavily-anticipated PlayStation 4 exclusives for some time now, and following some delays the release is finally on the horizon. The game recently went gold, meaning that it’s finished and ready for mass production. We also know that it will have a day one patch, and the file ...
The Monster Hunter series is one that has no shortage of massive beasts to take down, with some of them having to be seen to be believed. If you consider yourself a hardcore fan of the series and would like one of the monsters to display in your home, then this is the post for ...