Category: PC

Titanfall Beta is coming for the PC and Xbox One, but not for the 360

There’s not a lot of waiting left until the PC and Xbox exclusive Titanfall is being released on the 11th of March 2014. Being one of the most anticipated titles of the year, developer Respawn Entertainment wants to make sure that the hype levels are kept high. Thus, co-founder of Respawn Vince Zampella has announced ...

Cyberpunk 2077 teasers

There’s hasn’t been much information on CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk2077 yet, apart from one epic cinematic trailer that has won the polish company multiple awards. Oh, and the fact that the name is somewhat revealing. That’s right, Cyberpunk 2077 will be a futuristic and, you guessed, cyberpunk game set in 2077. CEO of CD Projekt ...

Hearthstone gets a new trailer as the game enters global open beta

Last week, Hearthstone fans in the United States were lucky enough to be granted access to Blizzard’s greatly popular card-game. A few days later, Europe followed, and today, Hearthstone is officially available for free everywhere in the world. That’s right! The time for praying for a Hearthstone beta key is over! All you need to ...

Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor gameplay shows cool but familiar combat

The first gameplay video for the upcoming Monolith and Warner Bros. game, Shadow of Mordor has been revealed. The over 8 minutes long footage shows some interesting gameplay and combat, but if it seems vaguely (or strongly) familiar, it’s because it most likely is. The resemblance to Ubisoft’s popular Assassin’s Creed franchise is unmistakable. Throughout ...

Everquest Next Landmark system requirements revealed

There are few names in the MMORPG department that carry as much weight as Everquest. The rebirth of the world of Norrath will bring new and unique systems, an every-changing world and a dynamic story line. But what’s the hardware cost for the new Everquest? Well, we’ve just found out. Here’s what you’ll need if ...

Titanfall – Atlas reveal trailer

This is the Atlas, Titanfall’s footsoldier Mech. Respawn Entertainment designed the Atlas as an all-purpose mech, well-suited for every scenario and level within Titanfall. It has great armor, good fire capabilities, and while it’s not as strong as the Ogre in terms of brute force, it’s certainly faster and more maneuverable. Along with the slow ...

Thief – Stunning new screenshots

The new Thief game from Eidos Montreal and Square Enix is approaching fast, with its February 25th release date coming up on the horizon. And what a beautiful horizon this is! The game looks absolutely stunning. Thief will place you behind the burglar and professional thief Garrett, and as you’ll progress through missions using stealth ...

The cancellation of pre-orders is now possible on Steam

It’s generally best not to pre-order things. The marketing campaigns are designed so you only see the good aspects of a given game, and the nasty surprises are generally revealed after a launch. If you’re the type to read previews and reviews, you should be especially wary of throwing out money on pre-orders in general. ...

Titanfall – Ogre reveal trailer Take a look at the Ogre, one of three available mech’s in Titanfall, Respawn entertainment’s highly anticipated title. The Ogre is the brute force mech in Titanfall, bringing heavy armor, heavy firepower, as well as the ability to rip enemy Titans to shreds, ensuring their inevitable demise. What it lacks in speed, the Ogre ...

The Witcher 3 will punish the hardware of the PS4 and Xbox One

The latest Microsoft and Sony consoles have launched just a few months ago, and we’re already hearing news of games that will make the most out of the hardware capabilities of these new gaming platforms. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt developers CD Projekt Red have designed their newest RPG in a way that will put ...