While it seems trivial that someone would sue Apple over an issue the company has already fixed, Adrienne Moore, a former iPhone user demonstrated that she does have a case against the Cupertino company. Adrienne Moore sued Apple because the company obstructed her use of another phone, namely an Android one. The issue with iMessages ...
If you are one of those who had recently switched from an iOS running iPhone to an Android or Windows phone, you might have encountered some trouble with your text messages. Former users of Apple’s own iMessage reported that their messages were not being sent and their inboxes weren’t filling up. Since iMessage and any ...
Google purchased a new messaging application called Emu, a former IM Client that stood out in the market due to its smart features. Emu was released as a beta earlier this year and was often compared to Siri, the virtual assistant that automates tasks based on conversations. The similarities between these two go even further, ...
The most expected OS on the market was unwrapped today during the WWDC, unveiling new features and exciting news about its future use. Besides presenting the new add-ons, the iOS 8 was also presented as an improved and interactive operating system. More than that, the iOS 8 will be able to closely interact with the ...
Categories: Tech
Tags: Apple, HealthKit, iCloud, iMessage, iOS 8, iPad, iPhone, iPod, OS X Yosemite, release, WWDC