According to a recent study published by Facebook-owned, only roughly %40 of people around the world have accessed the internet at least once a year. That’s a surprising number to many people, although many studies performed on the same topic result with similar conclusions. It’s surprising that such a large library of knowledge is ...
Drones have been all the rage lately, with the Amazon Prime Air drones, Google’s Project Wing and DHL’s Parcelcopters. Facebook is getting in on the business, but with a much more interesting cause driving the company. Facebook will use the unmanned drones to deliver an internet connection to areas where people don’t have access to ...
Cosmos for Android is an application that was designed with markets that don’t have widespread access to LTE and 3G in mind. Cosmos is essentially a browser which bypasses the need for 3G or LTE and uses SMS messages to help you browse the web. Supposedly, Cosmos will be released on the Google Play Store ...