Tag: Mirror’s Edge

Beyond Half-Life: 4 Great Games That Might Actually Get Sequels

Gabe Newell, co-founder of Valve, recently spoke in a podcast about the possible future of their old classic franchises- Half-Life and Left 4 Dead if you need a reminder. Fans have been begging for new installments in these series for seemingly forever. Newell offered a completely noncommittal response, in keeping with Valve’s attitude towards the rumors about Half-Life 3 ...

Mirror’s Edge 2 concept art revealed ahead of E3

Electronic Arts unveiled a concept image of Mirror’s Edge 2 in anticipation for the upcoming E3 reveal. We know the game will make an appearance at the event thanks to the #E32014 hashtag that appears alongside the picture. The concept art image depicts our protagonist Faith looking ready to run through the game’s unnamed futuristic city. Mirror’s ...