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Hitman Season 2 announced – New Locations and missions

The 2016 version of Hitman will forever be an example of how opinion towards a product can change quite quickly, when it was originally revealed in 2015 opinions were mixed when regarding the release system and how a Hitman game was now going to release on an episodic format. However, things began to change when the first episode launched and as more episodes were available opinions started to shift. Now, the final episode of Season 1 launched on October 31st, and when reviewers played the complete package, they seemed to agree that the game was really good. And it seems like it was a success as well, because at Paris Game Week 2016, Season 2 of the latest rendition of Hitman has been officially revealed by developer IO Interactive.

There’s not much information regarding Season 2 of the 2016 action adventure stealth game, but as far as we know the new locations and missions are going to be added directly into Season 1, which means that both Seasons will use the same launcher. IO Interactive also confirmed that some of the cities visited in Season 1 (like Paris and Marrakesh) could be revisited for different missions and locations, which does worry me because it could feel repetitive if there’s not an aesthetic redesign. The number of Episodes is currently unknown, but Season 1 had six episodes so we can expect a similar number.

Its strange how Square Enix, being such a troublesome company, managed to own so many great studios that keep making good and great games, Hitman is just one of the examples that 2016 has given us, there’s also Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and the upcoming Final Fantasy XV. It will be very interesting to see what happens to Square and their upcoming games.

About Sebastian Guadalupe

Born in Peru, a student of Communications, and a dedicated xbox fan, Sebastian has loved videogames since he was 5 years old and he's determined to show the world that they can be art.

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