Tales from the Borderlands first screenshots revealed
The first screenshots from the upcoming Tales from the Borderlands were posted on the PlayStation blog a short while ago. The game is being developed by Telltale, best known for creating The Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead series. Just like their previous titles, Tales from the Borderlands will also be an episodic graphic adventure game.
Telltale explains that the characters from Gearbox Software’s popular franchise sparked their interest in creating a Borderlands title. “Handsome Jack, Claptrap, Tiny Tina, Angel, Moxxi, Zer0… it’s a big list. We (Telltale) are all about compelling characters and stories, and we see an amazing opportunity to build on what Gearbox has created. ”
The company says that this will not be a game for people who just want to roam Pandora an shoot stuff. Tales from the Borderlands focuses on story and immersion more than anything else. Telltales also gave us some more details in the form of a list of things we can expect from their upcoming title.
- The loot you grab in Tales will be available to use in other areas of the Borderlands franchise
- It’s an episodic series that’ll be $4.99 per episode (or you can save with the Season Pass)
- Your choices matter and will help create YOUR version of the story across the season
- The series takes place after the events of Borderlands 2. Handsome Jack is gone. Or is he? You might have seen the trailer we put out a while back
- You’re going to play two different viewpoints. Rhys works for Hyperion; he’s a company man with grand ambitions that have been thrown off the rails. Fiona is a fast-talking con artist, with very few people left on Pandora she hasn’t swindled one way or another
- They both have a very different opinion of the events that brought them together, and the only way to find out something near to the truth is to live their lives and make your own decisions
The first point in particular seems to open up a lot of interesting possibilities, hopefully it also applies to Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. Gearbox Software’s latest entry in the series takes place between the first two titles and will be released this Fall for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. A release date for Tales from the Borderlands was not announced yet but we can expect it to arrive later this year. More info on bots games will probably be revealed during E3 2014 which takes place June 10-12.
Categories: LTG Slider, NEWS, PC, Playstation 3, SCREENSHOTS, TRENDING GAME NEWS, Xbox 360
Tags: Borderlands: the Pre-sequel, E3, Gearbox Software, Screenshots, Tales from the Borderlands, Telltale, The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us
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