Nvidia Geforce GTX 980 shatters overclocking world record, GPU core pushed to 2.2Ghz
Nvidia’s high end baby, the Geforce GTX 980 has done it again in style and managed to brake the world record for the highest overclocking frequency peaked by a GPU core to date – 2208Mhz. Elmor, the Swedish overclocker who pulled off this remarkable achievement can also be held accountable for smashing the previous 3D Fire Strike Extreme scores, by hitting a mind-blowing 9568 marks, and a whooping physics score of 26731. The graphics card used for this massive overclocking experiment was an Asus Geforce GTX 980 Strix Direct CU II backed up by an Asus Rampage V Extreme motherboard, Intel Core i7-5960X CPU, and 16 GB of G.Skill DDR4.
Such computing power is obviously hungry for a powerhouse capable of taking it to places it has never been before – a 1200V/1200W platinum rated power supply unit from Cooler Master was responsible for powering all engines. So, a gaming rig beast by all means, that would make any hardcore gamer craving for a piece of it. Not to forget, a liquid nitrogen cooling system was employed for this overclocking test in order to maintain stability, as GPU strain was considerably high. No matter, with the GPU voltage raised to 1.666V, and temperatures reaching a staggering -140 degrees Celsius, the Asus GTX 980 went flying in no time to clock a catapulting 2208Mhz core frequency. Like this wasn’t enough, Elmor chose to show off with some more impressive overclocking stuff; the on-board GDDR5 was also part of the experiment, being pushed to a speed of 8.4Ghz.
Furthermore, the Intel i7-5960X CPU was also taken for an overclocking ride, and pushed to 5.586Ghz. We now have an overclocking king in the Maxwell GM204 GPU, and it wouldn’t be surprising to see this record topped in the near future, as many tech enthusiasts are experimenting new ways of pushing GPU cores to unparalleled levels. Lately, the GTX 900 series have been pretty scarce due to market supply shortcomings, but Nvidia is working really hard in finding solutions to meet the increasingly high demand for these GM204 powered graphics cards. What do you make of this new GTX 900 series? Are you planning to buy a GTX 970 or GTX 980 so you can have a high-end toy that can cope with these new PC titles?