The first Hearthstone World Champion has been crowned, check out his decklists here
Blizzcon 2014 hosted a number of important eSports tournaments this past weekend, including the first Hearthstone World Championship. Sixteen players from all regions competed for the grand prize of $10,000 but as always, only one of them was able to claim the glory associated with being a champion. In this case it was James “Firebat” Kostesich, a relatively unknown player that managed to take the Hearthstone scene by storm. While most professional players spend lots of hours each day practicing, 18-year old Kostesich was not among them as the young player also had a job and an education to think about. Still, what practice he did have seems to be enough and his biggest advantage was undoubtedly his talent at the game.
Firebat built his decks with aggression in mind, with his “Charge Face” Druid deck being particularly lethal and feared throughout the tournament. Interestingly, Druids are considered to be one of the weakest Hearthstone classes at the moment, so it was pretty surprising to see Kostesich absolutely crushing his opponents with a Druid deck. The decklist for Charge Face can be found further down below, but make sure you have a lot of dust on your hands if you plan to take it out for a spin because it’s quite expensive. This deck contains no less than four Legendaries along with several Epics, so it’s definitely not something you can build if you’ve just started playing Hearthstone.
Crafting this deck will set you back 6,960 dust assuming that you don’t have any of the cards required. However, a good Hearthstone deck is only as good as its wielder, so you’ll also need a lot of practice if you want to be successful with it. Alternatively, you can try a couple of Firebat’s less expensive decks if you’re interested in playing Warlock or Hunter. Both these decks feature only one Legendary card – Loatheb – and you can get it for free by completing the Plague Quarther wing in Curse of Naxxramas.
Categories: eSports, NEWS, PC, TRENDING GAME NEWS
Tags: decklist, Druid, Firebat, Hearthstone, world champion, World Championship