Nexus 5 Android 5.0.1 factory images available, released by Google
Nexus 5 Android 5.0.1 factory images have just been release by Google, good news for those of you who like playing around with ROMs and usually flash their devices. The Nexus 5 Android 5.0.1 factory images is available at the Google Developers website and you can download them for free. While many of you might not care about Nexus 5 Android 5.0.1 factory images, those of you who tend to flash ROMs and botch them occasionally will find them helpful to say the least.
In case you own a Nexus 5 and you’ve botched a flashing and bricked your device, the Nexus 5 Android 5.0.1 factory images are a way to go, in case you want the latest factory settings and the brand new Lollipop treatment with fixes on your handset. You can also find these images useful in case you are readying for an OTA and have previously rooted your device. Beware though, because using Nexus 5 Android 5.0.1 factory images will wipe your device, so you should always back up all your information. At the same time, you should have at least some sort of experience with flashing, rooting and tinkering with your device so that you don’t mess up, but since you are resorting to Nexus 5 Android 5.0.1 factory images, you probably know your stuff already. Note that you should always start an operation like this with a full battery or at least %50 battery so that the setup can be completed safely, without messing up your phone yet again.
The Nexus 5 Android 5.0.1 factory images can be had right now, but if you choose an older version or want to try out some new things on an older Android version, you can always choose older factory images which are still available over at Google Developers. The Nexus 5 Android 5.0.1 factory images and consequently, the OTA, bring users battery drain fixes and memory leaks. Since installing Android 5.0.1 Lollipop on a Nexus 5, some people reported issues with the Google Now launcher, as well as problems closing background apps. If you have any kind of issues with the new build for the Nexus 5, you should definitely report them to Google so that they can work on fixing them as fast as possible.
Categories: Tech