Free PS5, PS4 Demo Strategy RPG Monster Menu
NIS America’s bright and breezy Monster Menu: The Scavenger’s Cookbook is marinating ahead of its 23rd May release on PS5 and PS4, but you can try a free demo on either Sony system today. Most importantly, if you pick up the main course at launch (or later), your appetiser progress will transfer.
“Monster Menu: The Scavenger’s Cookbook is an all-you-can-eat adventure,” according to the official blurb. Explore vast dungeons, gather resources, and fight monsters in classic strategy RPG battles. Use what you found to cook stat-boosting meals around the campfire before digging into another heaping helping of dungeon crawling fun!”
A full review will be coming soon. Stay tuned!
Categories: NEWS, Nintendo Switch, PC, Playstation 3, Playstation 4
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