Knuckles Spin-Off TV Show Episode Duration Possibly Unveiled

Prior to the premiere of the upcoming Knuckles TV series on Paramount’s streaming platform next month, details about the episode length have surfaced.

According to a Sonic fan and Tumblr user (via Sonic City), each episode is anticipated to last for one hour. This series consists of six episodes, providing a total of six hours of Knuckles action!

Zedson’ on Tumblr: “Reminder that the EIDR (a officially registered site by Paramount Pictures) revealed that all 6 episodes of the Knuckles series will be about 1 hour long. With six episodes, we get 6 hours of content, baby!”

Zedson’ on Tumblr mentioned that the EIDR, an officially registered site by Paramount Pictures, disclosed that all 6 episodes of the Knuckles series will be approximately 1 hour long. With six episodes, you get 6 hours of content!