It seems that Nintendo had a particular interest in making Samus Aran’s Fortnite skin exclusive to the Switch
For quite some time, it has been widely speculated that the Fortnite developer has expressed interest in collaborating with Nintendo. Recently, leaked internal documents have surfaced, shedding light on Epic Games’ potential plans to incorporate Samus Aran from the beloved Metroid series.
In a recent interview with Game File, Donald Mustard, the former chief creative officer of Epic, shared an interesting tidbit. It seems that Epic had discussions with Nintendo regarding the possibility of including Samus as a Fortnite skin. However, Nintendo expressed their desire to keep Samus exclusive to the Switch. Here’s a snippet of his commentary:
Epic’s former CCO: “They [Nintendo] got really hung up on their characters showing up on platforms that weren’t their platforms…They would be thrilled to have Nintendo characters in Fortnite, but just only if it’s on their platform.”
Regrettably, negotiations came to a halt afterwards because Epic insisted on maintaining a consistent Fortnite experience across all platforms, regardless of the screen or device being used. Furthermore, the skins for Master Chief and Kratos were readily accessible to all players.
Categories: NEWS, Nintendo Switch
Tags: featured, Fortnite, Fortnite Festival Season 2, Nintendo