Category: LTG Slider

DC Comics Step In To Save The Day

End of an era for Marvel Comic book fans worldwide enjoyed the immensely popular licensed slot games online featuring their favourite superheroes, which included The Incredible Hulk, The Avengers, Daredevil and X-Men. However, following Disney’s acquisition of Marvel in 2009, the agreement with software developers Playtech and Cryptologic didn’t fit in with their family-friendly image, so ...

Samsung Z1 vs Nokia Lumia 525 – Affordable alternatives

With Android and iOS dominating the market, you’ll be hard pressed to find a good smartphone that runs on a different operating system. That’s precisely why I figured that some of you may be interested in some alternatives, so I decided to dig around a bit and see what I can find. As fate would have it, ...

GTA 6 set in Portland? Some people certainly think so

About one year ago, people were wondering if GTA 5 would ever make it to the PC and next-gen consoles. Now that’s not a subject for debate anymore so it’s time to speculate on the next title in the series, namely GTA 6. While there are no official details regarding the game just yet, a couple ...

eSports will overtake traditional sports in terms of popularity

There will come a time in the not too distant future when eSports will overtake traditional sports in terms of popularity. Competitive gaming’s status has skyrocketed in recent years and it is now a multibillion-dollar industry, with legions of fans spread across the globe. Rather than reacting with fear and fury, traditional sporting franchises are ...

Is Fallout 5 ever going to come out?

This is the huge question everyone is asking lately. Rock,Paper,Shotgun asked the Executive Producer of Fallout 3 ” Where the hell Fallout 4 is?” Todd Howard, Bethesda’s Game Director gave an answer, albeit not an extremely pleasing or revealing one. Our question is: Why  is Fallout 4’s release date (or anything official about Fallout 4, for ...

What Are The Best Free Antivirus Programs Available for Download?

Better safe than sorry goes the saying, right? Well, the principle applies to PC users too, and with more and more features available online (such as online shopping, paying of bills or even taxes, bank transfers and more), it has become a prime concern for users to get the best possible security solutions for keeping ...

The Influence of the Smart Technologies on the Design of Interiors

Back in the days, having a gadget in a home, whether it was a radio, a television, or anything like these, was not very common. Today, we all have our own share of gadgets in our homes, ranging from great TV sets, sound systems, home appliances and such. In the past few years, these machines ...