Tag: AC5

“Assassin’s Creed: Unity” will be a non-linear game

“Assassin’s Creed: Unity” will give players the possibility to choose their approach during missions, ensures Ubisoft Montreal creative director, Alex Amancio during a gameplay demo shown at Gamescom. Every mission starts with a cinematic which points out several clues that can help players plan how to proceed. If previous Assassin’s Creed games had linear story ...

Assassin’s Creed 5 details leaked from parkour artists working on the game

Let’s get the obvious info out first:  if you are a diehard fan of the series and you’ve been following this game’s development, you know that AC5 will have two versions: one for the last-gen consoles called ‘Comet’ and one for the PS4 and Xbox One called ‘Unity’, which is set during the French Revolution. ...