The console wars officially began last November when both platforms were released. The PlayStation 4 came out on the 15th while the Xbox One launched on the 22nd. While one could argue that the PS4 had a one week advantage over the Xbox One ultimately the difference should be negligible, 7 days isn’t much to look ...
Categories: NEWS, Playstation 4, Tech, Xbox One
Tags: April, Console Wars, Microsoft, Playstation 4, PS4, PS4 vs Xbox One, Sales Figures, sony, Titanfall, Xbox One, Xbox One vs PS4
2014 has been a great year for gaming despite all the controversies, scandals, and massive amount of broken titles at launched. Console gaming in particular was incredibly popular this year, with both the Xbox One and PS4 selling many more units and titles than the last generation. This seems a bit strange considering that we haven’t ...
Believe it or not, the Xbox One is actually making a real comeback at the moment in its “fight” against the PS4. Sony has been leading in the “console wars” for ten consecutive months until November when Microsoft finally ended that winning streak. Now according to the latest data disclosed by Google, it seems that people ...
Categories: NEWS, Playstation 4, TRENDING GAME NEWS, Xbox One
Tags: Console Wars, Google, Microsoft, PS4, Sales, sony, Top 10, Xbox One
It seems like only yesterday that Sony and Microsoft launched the PS4 and Xbox One consoles, but actually almost a full year has passed since then. The PS4 has been leading in terms of sales almost since the very beginning, however the Xbox One is not giving up without a fight even though it doesn’t ...
Categories: NEWS, Playstation 4, Tech, TRENDING GAME NEWS, Xbox One
Tags: Console Wars, Microsoft, PS4, Sales, sony, Wii U, Xbox One
The NPD results for August 2014 are in and there are very few surprises to talk about. Seeing as how there were few game releases last month, software sales were not exactly incredible and we’re actually looking at an 21% decrease compared to August 2013. On the other hand, PS4 and Xbox One consoles continued to ...
Categories: LTG Slider, NEWS, Playstation 4, Tech, TRENDING GAME NEWS, Xbox One
Tags: August, console sales, Console Wars, Destiny, Microsoft, NPD, PS4, results, Sales, sony, Xbox One, Xbox One vs PS4
The latest console wars results show that Xbox One is taking quite a beating from the PS4 and have been doing so almost since the whole thing started. But Microsoft isn’t ready to call it a day just yet, and not only that, they actually plan on winning. Granted, this is quite a difficult task ...
Sony Entertainment revealed its financial report for the first quarter of 2014, which began in April and ended on June 30. The results were rather surprising, but perhaps not completely unexpected. The company’s revenue from games saw an increase of 95.7 percent compared to the first quarter of 2013. Sony’s Games and Network Services branch managed to generate ...
Categories: LTG Slider, NEWS, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, TRENDING GAME NEWS, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Tags: Console Wars, features, financial results, first quarter, Kinect, Microsoft, PS4, Q1, results, Sales, sony, Updates, Xbox One, Xbox One vs PS4
Microsoft recently stated that Xbox One sales have more than doubled ever since the Kinect was dropped. Unfortunately for the company, it wasn’t enough as according to the latest NPD report, the PS4 outsold the Xbox One yet again and is now in the lead for the sixth consecutive month. PS4 owners are not the only ones that ...
Categories: LTG Slider, NEWS, Playstation 4, TRENDING GAME NEWS, Xbox One
Tags: Console Wars, figures, hardware, June sales, Mario Kart 8, Microsoft, Minecraft, NPD, PS4, PS4 vs Xbox One, Sales, software, sony, Watch Dogs, Xbox One
Microsoft recently launched a new commercial in an attempt to show Chinese gamers just how awesome the Xbox One is. Unfortunately for the company, China is not impressed at all according to an ongoing poll. The question asked is as follows (Google Translated): “If Microsoft and Sony’s consoles are successfully listed on the National Bank, which would ...
Categories: NEWS, Playstation 4, Tech, Xbox One
Tags: China, Chinese market, Console Wars, gamers, Microsoft, poll, PS4, sony, Xbox One
A new report suggests that Sony might be doing even better than anticipated when it comes to PS4 sales. Microsoft VP Phil Harrison recently had an interview with Edge magazine(via IBTimes) in which several aspects were discussed, including the “classic by now” Xbox One vs PS4 console wars. Harrison didn’t reveal anything new in regards to Microsoft’s sales, ...
Categories: NEWS, Playstation 4, TRENDING GAME NEWS, Xbox One
Tags: Console Wars, Microsoft, PS4, PS4 sales, report, sony, Xbox One, Xbox One vs PS4