For months I have been eager to piece together a rundown of my personal Top 10 Games of the Generation (thus far) but it wasn’t until I put pen to paper, or rather finger to keyboard, when I realized that I was unable to even think of this many that were particularly great, let alone good enough ...
Categories: ARTICLES, LTG Slider, OPINION PIECES, Xbox One
Tags: Assassin's Creed, Assassin's Creed: Unity, Black Flag, Forza Horizon 2, Free Roam, Games, gaming, Grand Theft Auto V, great, greatest, GTA, GTA V, Microsoft, Middle Earth, Shadow of Mordor, Sunset Overdrive, Ubisoft, Witcher 3, XB1, Xbox One
Far Cry 4 is as open as it is beautiful. While it may play and feel somewhat like Far Cry 3, the 4th installment of this series shines bright. With interesting characters, beautiful scenery, a large map, great graphics, and great dialogue, it’s hard to say Far Cry 4 isn’t worth the purchase. While Far ...
Categories: PC, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, REVIEWS, SCREENSHOTS, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Tags: Explore, far cry, Far Cry 4, First Person, Free Roam, Kyrat, Open World, PC, PS3, PS4, Review, Shooter, Ubisoft, Xbox 360, Xbox One