In recent years Electronic Sports have become ridiculously popular even among people who weren’t much into gaming before. I’ve dabbled in competitive gaming on more than one occasion and I can’t begin to tell you how glad I am to see that we live in a time when it’s finally being taken seriously. But things are ...
Categories: eSports, LTG Slider, OPINION PIECES, PC
Tags: Counter-Strike, Dota 2, eSports, Global Offensive, Heart of the Swarm, Hearthstone, League of Legends, Legacy of the Void, MOBA, most popular, Starcraft 2, top 5
I had a startling realization earlier while browsing my old pal Google in the hopes of finding some info on Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void. The realization was of course that there is no such info, at least nothing solid to go on. I find this to be strange for two reasons. First off, ...
Categories: LTG Slider, OPINION PIECES, PC
Tags: Blizzard, Blizzcon, campaign, Heart of the Swarm, Multiplayer, Protoss, Release Date, SC2, Starcraft 2, Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void, Story, Tassadar, Warcraft, Wings of Liberty, Zeratul
A new season has begun for all Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm players climbing their way up the ladder. Bonus pools and standings have been reset, and 2014 Season 1 milestones have also been awarded. The new season doesn’t bring any big changes to the game, however Blizzard did make a free name change ...