Esports may not involve physical exercise but they sure are a form of sports now. The League of Legends Championship series are just as popular as any other sports league and the interest in esports is constantly rising. Even though a few years back people didn’t really know what esports was, now the League of ...
Honda’s ASIMO robot has been around for longer than most would expect with its initial development beginning back in 1986. In its familiar looking astronaut form the robot has been around since 2000 and has received a number of improvements since then. Today the Japanese company launched the brand new model in Brussels, Belgium. This upgraded ...
The Japanese company Softbank recently said that they plan on selling Pepper humanoid robots to consumers starting in February. Their $2.000 robot will work as a babysitter, nurse, and emergency medical worker. Pepper will also be able to respond to human emotions, according to Software’s CEO Masayoshi Son. More and more companies seem to be ...
Categories: Tech
Tags: $2.000, Aldebaran, Asimo, consumers, emotional engine, Honda, humanoid robots, Japan, Japanese company, Pepper, robotics, Softbank