Apple has just launched the iPad Air 2, the successor of the original iPad Air last month. Apple’s focus with the iPad Air 2 was to change the design and make it even thinner and lighter than its predecessor, as well as offer increased functionality and practicality. With the release of iOS 8 and OS ...
Today was the opening date of the Yosemite OS beta-testing offer, and supposedly, the final version’s release date has been set for sometime in October this year. At the same time, there are rumors floating around that the OS is not going to come alone, but with a new 12-inch Retina display MacBook and either a ...
If you are looking for a good compact tablet for everyday web-surfing and casual gaming you might want to consider two of the top contenders: the iPad mini with Retina display and the Google Nexus 7. Offering top performance in a compact package, these two fit the bill perfectly. Both of them are well made, high-end ...
Categories: Tech
Tags: Android, Android 4.4.3, Comparison, iOS, iOS 7, iOS 7.1, iPad mini, iPad mini 2, iPad mini Retina, Nexus 7, Nexus 7 (2013), Price, Retina, Specs