Getting fast, prompt operating system updates is a good thing, right? Well, not if you’re the unlucky owner of a Samsung Galaxy S5 and you’ve had the misfortune of upgrading to Samsung’s own Android Lollipop 5.0 version for the phone. The update has been out for a long time now (started rolling out back in ...
Today is the day when Sprint starts rolling out Android 5.0 Lollipop to the Galaxy S5. The rollout of Android Lollipop was annoying at best when it comes to the Galaxy S5, as U.S. users are among the last ones to receive the OTA. So far, only Verizon and Sprint have started sending out the ...
The Samsung Galaxy S5 is the flagship for the year 2014 from the South Korean company and while it wasn’t exactly a flop, it didn’t do too well with consumers either. Samsung vowed that the Galaxy S6, aka Project Zero will be a huge improvement compared to the Galaxy S5 and it will benefit from ...
Samsung Galaxy S5 owners in a few more countries should start seeing Android 5.0 Lollipop by now. Samsung seems to continue to focus on European countries for now, although Hong Kong is also receiving some love this time around. The update began travelling slowly but surely across the old continent earlier this month and already ...
The Samsung Galaxy S5 made quite a splash when it was released back in April of 2014, while also managing to stay relevant and even extremely popular throughout the entire year. Although times are quickly changing and everybody is now looking forward to the S6, the Korean tech giant’s current flagship is still a pretty awesome phone to ...
When it comes to any kind of smartphone, many people aim for the best battery life they can get their hands on. Nonetheless, battery life on current smartphones isn’t very shiny as the technology hasn’t been perfected enough to offer good battery life on large high-definition displays. There are just a handful of devices that ...
Plenty of great flagship smartphones have been released this year and while we’re definitely looking forward to seeing what 2015 brings, it’s important to also check out the current offerings on the market. One such device is the highly acclaimed Samsung Galaxy S5, which is still holding up remarkably well to this very day. In ...
If you own a Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone and haven’t received the Android Lollipop update just yet, don’t worry because you might see it on your device very soon. The update roll out initially began earlier this month but was reportedly only available to users living in Poland. More recently however, owners of the Samsung Galaxy ...
The Galaxy S5 was one of the most criticized, yet one of the best selling devices of 2014. The handset was launched early in the year, as usual, and while the design of the device was atrocious as some might say, the functionality and features that were build into the band-aid were quite impressive. The ...
The Samsung Galaxy S5 flagship is undoubtedly one of the best and most popular smartphones of the year, but with 2014 quickly coming to an an end, it’s time to look towards the next big thing. The successor to the highly acclaimed handset may not be just around the corner, but it’s not too far away ...