Yesterday, Xiaomi announced it’s first tablet, and it seems to be aiming for the iPad Mini Retina fans, with similar form factor, screen and with a beefed up hardware. We’ve decided to do a little theoretical comparison between the two, to see which one could win in a face-off, at least on paper. While the ...
Categories: Tech
Tags: 4G, Android, Apple, face-off, iOS, iPad mini, iPad Mini with Retina display, KitKat, Nvidia, tablets, Tegra K1, Xiaomi, Xiaomi Mi Pad
Xiaomi, the Chinese mobile phone company just announced the Mi Pad, the first tablet that features Nvidia’s new Tegra K1 processor. The tablet was unveiled at a conference in Beijing, and has received confirmation only for Chinese prices. There is no actual release date attached to Mi Pad, but there will be a beta test ...