Pandora Radio on Google Glass
Pandora Radio just rolled out a Google Glass app this week, making it possible for Google Glass users to listen to music right from their glasses. A whole lo of talking has been heard about Google Glass lately, and all the improvements, including the new XE 20.1 patent design, make Google Glass skyrocket to the top of trending gadgets.
People have started advancing at a very fast pace in the past few years, and even though we might not notice at first, we are leaping to the future. Since most men feel the inherent need to progress, they manifest themselves with wonderful technological advancements such as smartwatches, smart glasses, smart homes, virtual reality and more. Google Glass was a great first attempt at smart glasses on the part of Google, but with all the chatter going on, we are sure that it was not the last.
Pandora has come aboard Glass with its music service, allowing users to control their stations with voice commands. The idea of the app came through a “hackathon” organized within the company and since the app turned out pretty usable, developers decided to turn it into an official app.
Users can listen to music via Pandora through Glass in three different ways: with the single earbud included in the Glass Explorer kit, with the stereo earbud accessory or with Glass’ built-in bone conduction speaker, which requires no additional hardware. The bone conduction speaker sounds really high-tech, even though it employs smart science, and promises a clear sound quality. Google has mentioned that you should cup your ear in order to reduce noise so that bone conduction can work better. The technology is there, however, and I’m sure as hell excited to listen to music through bone conduction speakers. Neat! Voice commands include the ability to select and create new stations and the touchpad allows you to pause, play, skip, thumb-up or thumb-down tracks. If you are a Google Glass owner, you can get the app by singing in to Pandora on the Google Glass page.
Glass is becoming pretty popular lately, even though it’s still not the most accessible wearable device. The fact that apps are continuously being designed to cater to Glass users suggests that a new design is indeed on its way and the companies have confidence in the product in order to implement and invest technology to help improve the end result. We are excited to see the XE 20.1 patent in real life, although we might have to wait a few more months for that to happen.
Categories: Tech
Tags: bone conduction speakers, Google, Google Glass, Pandora, XE 20.1