Without Memory Devs Cancel Crowdfunding
Without Memory caused a quite the scene for many last week. As the PS4 exclusive released its first trailer and the developers, Dinosaurum Games, started Crowdfunding on Boomstarter. Without Memory’s developers have taken the game off of the crowdfunding site and have removed the trailer due to harsh criticism. While Without Memory was seeking money to produce a AAA like title, it will not be doing that due to these criticisms. As Without Memory’s developers have announced the removal of the game and apologized for its early state. The trailer is nowhere to be found as of now, but it was not looking too great.
The biggest issue for Without Memory may be the lack of funding and inexperience though, as the game clearly needed work. The character animations and rigging were the two biggest complaints, but the game was also lacking a lot of detail sadly. Dinosaurum Games stated that they will come back with a more polished and playable demo, but that could take some time. Sadly though, Without Memory may need to be pushed back,a s the game is currently slated for 2016 and it does not look anywhere near ready. Without Memory does not have the luxury of a giant budget or experienced developers, but it still is host to an interesting concept.
I am hopeful that Without Memory will get to where it needs to be soon and find a budget. The game is definitely an interesting one and it tackles a fairly big hurdle. Who knows if Dinosaurum Games will be able to pull it off? Not many, but right now it isn’t looking good for them. Without Memory is definitely something i am still interested in and I hope Dinosaurum Games can manage to pull through this bump in the road. Without Memory is currently slated for 2016 and is exclusive to the PS4, it will be interesting to see if that changes.
Categories: NEWS, Playstation 4
Tags: Dinosaurum Games, Exclusive, PS4, Without Memory
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