Adobe Design Apps Headed To Android
Adobe’s array of mobile apps—previously available on iOS—has made the jump to Android as well. As reported by Engagdget all of the apps are free and available on Google Play. Those with a subscription to Adobe’s Creative Cloud service “can take advantage of desktop compatibility and cloud storage for all of the stuff created while on the go.”
There are four Adobe mobile design apps currently available. Photoshop Mix allows the cropping and merging of photos as well as color correction. Color CC allows for more precise color manipulation. It can also be used to obtain particular colors from photos to be used in others. Brush CC captures a chosen aspect of a photo to be used as a brush pattern with which to draw. Last but not least, according to its Google Play page, Shape CC’s function is to “quickly capture and convert images into vector graphics that you can use in Adobe Illustrator CC or Adobe Photoshop CC.”
The Adobe apps seem to be well received, with none having fewer than four-out-of-five stars on Google Play. It is worth noting, however, that only Photoshop Mix has more than a handful of ratings at the moment. A number of Adobe apps have not yet made the jump from iOS to Android. Photoshop Sketch, Illustrator Draw, Illustrator Line, and Premiere Clip are still all exclusive to Apple devices. If Adobe intends to—as Engadget put it—follow through on their “promise to include the Android faithful,” then Android users can expect the absent apps to follow in the near future. Whether that pans out remains to be seen.