Switch Announces Double Dragon Advance, Super, Collection
Update: After the announcement last month, Arc System Works released the first official trailer for all Double Dragon Collection games. At the end, it says “expected to release on November 9th, 2023”.
Original: After releasing Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons on the Switch this week, Arc System Works announced Super Double Dragon and Double Dragon Advance for all platforms, including Nintendo’s hybrid system. The digital versions will be sold separately.
“The long-awaited Double Dragon Advance and Super Double Dragon are making a double comeback this year! After 20 years, the first official ports for both games will be making their way to modern consoles on November 9, 2023.”
Additionally, a Switch Double Dragon Collection has been announced. It will contain Super, Advance, and the original four games released as standalone purchases on the eShop in Japan.
On November 9, 2023, Japan will receive the collection package. For the full list, see Gematsu:
– Super Double Dragon
– Double Dragon Advance
–Double Dragon
–Double Dragon II: The Revenge
–Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones
–Double Dragon IV
We’ll notify you of updates. Super Double Dragon and Double Dragon Advance are confirmed for Xbox and PlayStation, but the Switch collection is currently only available.
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