All Nine Picross e Games Will Switch From 3DS To Switch Next Year In Picross S+
Jupiter released Picross S+, the latest Nintendo Switch mind-testing monogram series, today. This one is exciting because it will bring all nine of the 3DS’ download-only Picross e games with it. If you missed out on downloading them before their eShop closed, now is your chance.
The base content (Picross e puzzles) will cost £3.99 / €4,99 / $4.99, and each subsequent 3DS entry will offer additional paid content packages for the same price. It’s a lot of puzzle for your pounds to bring each game to the modern console, but it’s expensive.
Each pack will contain 150 Picross and Mega Picross puzzles from their respective title, giving buyers a substantial collection.
S+ will include Picross e9, previously only available in Japan, giving Western Picross fans the chance to own the full set. Picross S+ is scheduled for 2024, but no date has been announced.
Jupiter also has a Picross-like game in Early Access on Steam called Logiart Grimoire, which will launch on Switch next year. See the trailer below:
Categories: NEWS, Nintendo Switch, PC, Playstation 3, Playstation 4
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