Penny’s Big Breakaway Frame Rate Update Now Available on Switch

Update: The PC version of Penny’s Big Breakaway received an update earlier this month, and now the Nintendo Switch version has also been released, complete with some additional features. It introduces additional performance and quality mode options for Nintendo’s system.

Developer Christian Whitehead has provided additional information about the performance mode in the Switch version of the game:

“Performance mode on switch will get you 60fps most of the game when docked, and a decent amount in handheld too. Some levels like VanillaTown will drop to 40/30fps in places where geometric density is high

“If you want to stay with a 100% locked experience, quality mode will give you 30fps as per the previous version, but now with the bonus of anti-aliasing”

Original: As someone who enjoys playing video games, I can relate to the experience of being fully immersed in a virtual world. It’s incredible how games can transport us to different realms and allow us to take on the role of a character. The level of excitement and adrenaline

Evening Star’s new 3D platformer, Penny’s Big Breakaway, had a solid start when it arrived last month, but it was limited to a maximum of 30 frames per second. Thankfully, there’s good news on the horizon. Developer Christian Whitehead has confirmed that the upcoming console update will finally unleash the full potential of the Switch’s frame rate.

Players will have the option to choose between a 30FPS and a 60FPS setting. It will have a similar feel to Bomb Rush Cyberfunk (which may affect the frame rate, but it will be available as an option). This update will also introduce anti-aliasing for 30FPS.

The console version of the latest patch is currently in the process of receiving “first-party approvals” before it can be released. Meanwhile, here’s a glimpse at the most recent PC patch notes, which will give you an idea of what to anticipate when the Switch update finally comes.

In short, gamers can anticipate a range of updates for Penny, YoYo, enhancements, and even some bug fixes (which also involve additional improvements). Here’s the complete rundown via Steam (please be aware that patch notes may contain spoilers):

Penny’s Big Breakaway v1.2 Patch Notes (PC)
Today, we rolled out an update that addresses various concerns. It also comes with updates and enhancements to current features. Make sure you’ve got the latest version of your game installed. Due to the updates mentioned earlier, we will be resetting the leaderboards for 4–2. This patch addresses a bug that was present on this level, enabling players to bypass a significant portion of it. We will keep a close eye on the game for any upcoming updates and improvements. Thank you for playing Penny’s Big Breakaway!

Penny has been honing her skills! She’s done playing games.

  • Encounter obstacles on wall ledges and other objects
  • Plummet endlessly to her demise in the World’s Edge boss encounter
  • Master the art of gliding up inclines that defy gravity
  • Experience the thrill of being caught in an endless skid
  • Experience a sudden disconnection from YoYo while performing Whirl
  • Struggle to maintain any momentum when initiating a yo-yo ride from a distance
  • Endlessly somersault
  • She completely loses her speed when switching from Dash to Ride once the YoYo is pulled back
  • Encounter a situation where you find yourself unable to move forward at the end of a zipline until you release the Ride or Throw button

Additionally, YoYo has been honing their skills and will…

  • Reduce the number of walls you pass through when thrown
  • Now improve your consistency in acceleration while enjoying smoother frame rates
  • Ensure proper sizing on the Zipline
  • Edge Get a better grip on various surfaces
  • Please refrain from releasing Penny from Edge Grab too early

We’ve also requested that the citizens perform some repairs and upgrades around the world. Here’s what they’ve been up to:.


  • Video settings are no longer included in cloud saves. They are now only stored locally
  • Introducing a new feature: a full-screen video option
  • Starting now, the global cycle timer will be reset whenever you restart or drop out
  • Display the total number of Show pieces or dilemmas cleared for a scene in the Pause menu
  • Introducing a new feature to Time Attack mode – now you can quickly restart by simply holding the top face button!
  • Reset Gusto to maximum when dropping out in Time Attack
  • When navigating Time Attack, game elements will behave in a more predictable manner if you use a consistent global random seed when restarting or dropping out
  • Just a friendly reminder to all players: please wait until Penny has left the Start Platform in Time Attack before starting the timer
  • Scrapbook photos can now be viewed in full-screen mode from the menu!
  • Now you can easily remove your Scrapbook unlock progress
  • Introducing a new video option: Depth of Field
  • Experimented with the Turnstile to ensure Penny is always launched from the intended release point
  • Modified the Rolling Log to prevent any unintended effects when it comes into contact with a sloped surface


  • Fixed the Suction Pipe so that it will always eject Penny in the way that was designed
  • Kindly asked the Peng Balloon not to lock up the end of Pengoville 2 when it fell on Penny after landing on the Busker Stage
  • I told the Scatter Birds that their shadows shouldn’t go away for a frame before they fly off
  • Finally, I turned the whip Screw around so that it screws in the right way
  • The HUD has been fixed so that it will no longer draw when the screen goes off
  • When you open the pause menu, Penny falls out of the same frame. The stage will now play music correctly
  • The water splash VFX have been fixed
  • Fixed problems with how the Fail Transition looked
  • Fixed the Cannon object so it no longer points to target objects that don’t exist
  • Ripped off the side of the boombox to get rid of the SFX problem that happened after beating spoiler Judge Rufus
  • It is now possible for the camera to move vertically at the right speed because the grease on the ball bearings has been oiled