Next month in Barcelona, the Mobile World Congress event will be held. Samsung is usually the big contender at the event, but it looks like the star of the show this time around might be fellow Korean company LG. The LG G6 will be revealed February 26th and features a minimal bezel and a 5.7 ...
The Galaxy Note 7 and its propensity to catch on fire was a hot topic in the news this past year. Recalls of the phone cost Samsung billions, essentially forcing them to completely write off a high-end phone. All of the money that went into research and development as well as the mass production of ...
Scanners on phones have come a long way. From shortcuts to sites with QR codes to scanning food bar codes for nutrition information, the camera on our phone is incredibly powerful and allows apps to process information. Homework Help App Socratic took it a step further, and lets you take pictures of a problem that’s ...
The Samsung Galaxy S7 and Apple iPhone 7 are two of the top phones on the market. Both provide some of the best experiences available on mobile today, but how does one choose between two great phones? Below we go over some of the pros and cons of each device and make our recommendation based ...
Excitement for the Nintendo Switch is at an all-time high, with the release date just around the corner and an exciting lineup of games announced to arrive on the new console in 2017. The most iconic Nintendo series is getting another entry with the announcement of Super Mario Odyssey. Super Mario Odyssey looks like an ...
It looks like there’s new information on Apple’s rumored iPhone 8. Apple was expected to “radically redesign” the iPhone 8 in 2017, and recent leaks all but confirm this change. DigiTimes has information from Taiwanese sources in Apple’s supply line that the company will be cutting ties with Foxconn for manufacturing of the iPhone 8, ...