Category: Xbox 360

Ten Great Licensed Games

Licensed games are a pretty divisive topic in the gaming industry. For every five excellent licensed games, there seem to be ten that are absolutely horrible. Tomorrow, Batman: Arkham Knight will be released, and LEGO Jurassic World was released last week. In celebration of the release of these incredible games, I’ve compiled a list of ten incredible licensed ...

Telltale Announces New Walking Dead Mini-Series

While Telltale has ventured into a number of big-name IPs in the last couple years (Borderlands, Game of Thrones), they’re still very well known for the explosive impact that The Walking Dead made on the gaming world just a few years ago. Personally, I was blown away by Season 1 and have had very few ...

Xbox One Will Be Backwards Compatible

It actually happened. The biggest flaw in this generations consoles, in many people’s eyes, was that both consoles never had backwards compatibility. It seemed like a silly decision, especially because the prior generation had made this possible. For many, those old consoles and their games were either traded in, or sat and collected dust as ...

Disney Infinity V.P. shames amiibo shortages

Remember when Skylanders and Disney Infinity were released, and there were little to no shortages of figures? That all changed when Nintendo tossed its red cap in the ring. For a company that used to make toys prior to video games, Nintendo’s done a remarkably poor job with its amiibos. Collectors have to be dedicated ...

Capcom set to release more HD Remasters

Like a fart in an elevator, remastered games are going no where, according to Capcom at least. The publisher of the Resident Evil and Street Fighter franchises have recently announced they plan to follow up the successful remastering of the original Resident Evil with more remasters of past favourites. During a recent financial briefing, the Japanese publisher announced, “HD remasters of ...

What happened to Motion Controls?

Christmas 2006, my family and I crowded around the TV after the turkey had been picked clean and watched in amazement as my little brother flailed his arms around hitting tennis balls, and throwing bowling balls, he was having a temper tantrum because I had taken over his brand new Nintendo Wii. It was the ...

Beginning of the End for Last-Gen Consoles?

It seems as though the eventual switch to new-gen consoles is inevitable. As of today a major company has officially done just that and in doing so has brought the last-gen’s end that much closer. After the official reveal for Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate the company confirmed that it would no longer be releasing games for the last generation ...