In honor of the 15th anniversary of Kingdom Hearts’ original PlayStation 2 release, Square Enix has announced Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 for the PlayStation 4, a remastered collection of all six titles in the series. Coming from Paris Games Week, Square Enix has announced the collection will release March 28th, 2017, exactly 15 ...
The popular Kingdom Hearts series is back with a new game featuring three titles from the series. The high-definition remastered collection will include the original Kingdom Hearts X story and an aftermath plot – from the standpoint of Aqua – that follows the events that occur in Birth by Sleep, also titled A Fragmentary Passage. ...
Kingdom Hearts HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue (yes, that’s the real title) was revealed during Sony’s event at Tokyo Game Show 2015. This, of course, is the very first time that fans have been anxiously awaiting a Kingdom Hearts III announcement and, instead, got another HD collection since the release of Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix launched in 2013. ...
Tags: 3DS, Dream Drop Distance, Final Chapter Prologue, Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts 3D, Kingdom Hearts II.8, Kingdom Hearts III, PS3, PS4, sony, Square Enix, TGS, TGS 2015, Tokyo Game Show, Tokyo Game Show 2015
Licensed games are a pretty divisive topic in the gaming industry. For every five excellent licensed games, there seem to be ten that are absolutely horrible. Tomorrow, Batman: Arkham Knight will be released, and LEGO Jurassic World was released last week. In celebration of the release of these incredible games, I’ve compiled a list of ten incredible licensed ...
Categories: 3DS, ARTICLES, OPINION PIECES, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Tags: 3DS, Adventure Time, Arkham Knight, Batman, Goldeneye 007, Kingdom Hearts, LEGO, LEGO Jurassic World, LEGO Star Wars, licensed games, lists, Metro 2033, PS3, PS4, Shadow of Mordor, South Park: The Stick of Truth, Toy Story 3, Walking Dead, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Square Enix has hopped onto the bandwagon with Besthesda, and Ubisoft, in providing their own press conference. This is the first time, since 2012, that Square Enix has done this. The last time they hosted a press conference, they were announcing the Luminous game engine. What do they have in store for gamers? So what ...
Kingdom Hearts 3 is currently in development. While Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Remix dropped this week, the 3rd installment of the game is a bit off. Kingdom Hearts isn’t a stranger to using Disney characters, as it’s really one of the core features in Kingdom Hearts. Now that Disney now owns Marvel and Star Wars though, ...
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix is less than a week away from release. Ahead of the release, Square Enix has revealed two new trailers for the collection, showcasing some of the worlds and characters that players will find in the collection. The first trailer released on the PlayStation Blog (both trailers can be seen below) ...
The fan favorite Kingdom Hearts series is going to switch to the Unreal Engine 4 according to developer Square Enix. The change sheds light on the recent statement that the developer was having some design problems due to engine-related issues. The issues mentioned were caused by the decision to switch from the internally developed Luminous ...