WayForward is one of many companies selling their games before the 3DS and Wii U eShops close in less than a month. Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse, Mighty Switch Force!, and others are available on both platforms. First, the 3DS Game (3DS) Price (UK) Price (EU) Price (NA) Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse £15.99 £7.99 €16.99 €8.49 ...
This month, Persona and Shin Megami Tensei developer and publisher Atlus planned a “final” sale on the 3DS eShop in Japan. The company canceled today’s launch yesterday. It apologized to fans for suspending the sale for a “variety of reasons” and thanked them. Sale dates were March 2–28. Fans in this region will have to ...
Mega Man Legacy Collection brings the first six Mega Man games to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, and Nintendo 3DS (to be released later this year). Digital Eclipse has done an exceptional job with porting these classic NES games to current-gen consoles. Not a pixel is out of place, and the original audio has been recreated with ...
Tags: Capcom, Mega Man, Mega Man Legacy Collection, nes, PC, Playstation 4, PS4, retro games, Review, Xbox One
In the “post-Amiibo” era, Nintendo has had a complex relationship with its first-party DLC. Games that are certain to sell, like Super Smash Bros. 4 Wii U / 3DS and Mario Kart 8, generally jump at the opportunity to charge. Comparable models, however, show Nintendo’s pricing to be more aggressive than its competitors: SSB4 DLC ...
As I’m sure most people are aware, consoles and handhelds have exploits. Almost every console can be modded and is able to play copied games except the newest generation. All in good time though right? Nintendo’s 3DS was pretty famous for having a very active modding scene and their Wii has possibly the biggest homebrew ...
Fire Emblem is a franchise that has a very colorful history. There wasn’t a Fire Emblem game released overseas until the seventh entry in the franchise. Despite that, the series received lukewarm sales outside of Japan, even the eventual remake of the first game. The series was in danger of being discontinued, right until the ...
The bi-annual video game speed running event Games Done Quick has raised over 2 million dollars for charity. The event ran for a week straight and featured a huge variety of quick speedruns, from staples like the Zelda games to quirky entries like SpongeBob SquarePants. If you missed the action on Twitch, check out Games ...
Shovel Knight is a game that was a bit of an indie darling in 2014. Backed on Kickstarter, was released to extremely positive reviews as well as commercial success. It has since then been ported to nearly every major gaming platform, including the 3DS and PS Vita. Yacht Games, the developer of Shovel Knight, kept ...
Categories: 3DS, NEWS, PC, Playstation 4, PS Vita, Wii U, Xbox One
Tags: 3DS, News, Nintendo Switch, PS Vita, PS4, Xbox One, Yacht Games
A homebrew application for the 3DS titled “freeshop” which allows users to download 3DS titles without using the official eShop is in trouble with Nintendo according to an article by Nintendo Life. Freeshop allowed users to download their titles from Nintendo’s online store without actually using the online store’s interface, which many have criticized as ...