The Secret World is a MMORPG that allows players to play as members of secret societies, such as The Illuminati and the Templars. To help celebrate the holidays, The Secret World will be having a “Christmas Conspiracy” event. Starting now, players of The Secret World can immerse themselves in a deep conspiracy that kicks off ...
Final Fantasy has always had memorable soundtracks in all of their games. Now Scarlet Moon Records has taken a few of these tracks and remixed them for the holidays. Scarlet Moon Records has put together a five track EP featuring various Final Fantasy songs, a track from Saturday Morning RPG, and a bonus track from ...
Some people waking up earlier this morning may not know this, but Xbox Live was down last night. While it’s outage only lasted a few hours, Lizard Squad has promised more. You will more than likely recognize that name, as Lizard Squad is the hacker group behind attacks that have taken down Sony’s PlayStation Network, ...
Categories: NEWS, PC, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Tags: Christmas, DDoS, hackers, Lizard Squad, Microsoft, PlayStation Network, sony, Twitter, Xbox, Xbox Live
Everyone knows about the problems that have been marring Ubisoft’s new addition to the Assassin’s Creed saga, Unity. But why did it happen? Was it too ambitious? Did Ubisoft rush the production in time for Christmas? Did they try to utilise the full power of next generation technology too quickly? Production of Unity began shortly ...
Not everyone feels the whole holiday spirit thing, and for some people Halloween and Christmas are just like any other day of the year. In case you are one of these people, you can take comfort in knowing that you can jump into a number of great MMOs and get lost in there until the ...