Tag: Cyberpunk 2077

CD Projekt Red aims to increase the frequency of their major game releases

CD Projekt Red, the renowned publisher and developer behind The Witcher and Cyberpunk, aims to increase the frequency of their major game releases. The company, in its recent quarterly earnings call, unveiled its ambitious plans to streamline its release schedule and ensure a more consistent flow of new products. CD Projekt has released a series ...

The producer of Sonic’s third movie claims that it draws heavily from Sonic Adventure 2

According to the movie’s producer, the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 movie will draw heavily from Sonic Adventure 2. In a recent interview with GamesRadar+, Toby Ascher, the producer of the Sonic 3 movie, shared his insights on the upcoming film. According to Ascher, this highly anticipated installment promises to be an epic and enjoyable cinematic ...

Supporters hope Cyberpunk 2077’s 1.7 update will arrive soon

We haven’t heard anything about Cyberpunk 2077 or Phantom Liberty, which is still scheduled for release this year. If Steam database logs are correct, CD Projekt Red may soon speak. According to Reddit, the game’s changelist reveals several recent updates, with the latest being yesterday. Given the frequency of these developer tweaks, some fans think ...

Cyberpunk 2077: Dev Says It’s A “Much Deeper Roleplaying Experience” Than The Witcher 3

CD Project RED has been hard at work on Cyberpunk 2077 for several years now, with the sci-fi RPG epic being one of the most anticipated games in a long time. While the company has huge shoes to fill following the massive and critically-acclaimed The Witcher 3, according to them the follow-up will be an ...

CD Projekt RED Receives Financial Grant From Polish Government; Put Towards New Features for Cyberpunk 2077

  Back in September, CD Projekt RED presented financial grant applications to the Polish government regarding new technologies and features they plan on researching for their upcoming game, Cyberpunk 2077. WCCFTech reported that the proposals have been accepted and CD Projekt RED won’t be the only developer receiving funds to put towards game development. The studio will ...

Cyberpunk 2077 teasers

There’s hasn’t been much information on CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk2077 yet, apart from one epic cinematic trailer that has won the polish company multiple awards. Oh, and the fact that the name is somewhat revealing. That’s right, Cyberpunk 2077 will be a futuristic and, you guessed, cyberpunk game set in 2077. CEO of CD Projekt ...